On December 08, the third Round Table, devoted to discussion of PIMReC Project “Adaptation of former observatory on the Pipe Ivan mountain to the needs of alpine rescue service training center” implementation and its influence on development of tourism business and cross-border territories took place in the University of Warsaw. The project is implemented under financial assistance of the European Union – the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020.

The project coordinator, Rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University – Igor Tsependa, Head of PIMReC Infrastructural Group Unit, Vice-Rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University – Yaroslav Shynkaruk, Head of Project Management Department, PIMReC Manager – Lyubov Zinyuk; project managers from the University of Warsaw – Jan Tygielsky and Yurii Tkachuk, expert of the Infrastructural Group Unit from the University of Warsaw – Mykolai Kolach; representatives of the University of Warsaw headed by Director of the Center for East-European Studies – Jan Malicki; project partners from the Chief Department of DSESU in Ivano-Frankivsk region headed by Volodymyr Chernetskyi, as well as Deputy Head, project manager – Mykola Burlak; partners from Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue Bieszczady Group (GOPR) headed by Krzysztof Szczurek and project manager Karolina Kiwior participated in the Round Table that took place in hybrid mode – offline and online. The partners shared their results of work, listened to the experts’ reports and discussed further steps aimed at finalisation of the project on June 30, 2022.

The Round Table started with greeting of the Director of the Center for East-European Studies of the University of Warsaw – Jan Malicki and Rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University – Igor Tsependa, as well as heads of rescue services – Volodymyr Chernetskyi and Krzysztof Szczurek.
After the official part, Volodymyr Chernetskyi, the Head of the Chief Department of DSESU in Ivano-Frankivsk region, told the partners about the conducted coordination meetings, round tables, mutual trainings with Polish colleagues and equipment purchased by Ukrainian rescuers.
Presentation of DSESU in Ivano-Frankivsk region Download
Project manager from GOPR – Karolina Kiwior also presented results of work from the Polish rescuers.
Project presentation from GOPRDownload
Particularly, she presented a short video about mutual trainings of rescuers within the territory of Poland and told about conducting the fourth PIMReC Project Info Day at Wyżna pass (near Wetlina city, Poland).
Besides, representatives of the ministries and agencies of Poland, Polish and Ukrainian experts participated in the meeting.
Particularly, Dr. Jan Skouron from the Astronomy Observatory of the University of Warsaw told the participants of the Round Table about operation of Lufft WS800-UMB smart weather sensor on roof top of the observatory.

The purpose of this device, installed in 2019 by Polish scientists, was analysis of climate and weather conditions on top of Pip Ivan mountain during the next two years. Unfortunately, the sensor was damaged in March 2020 as a result of the logged 12-hour blizzard and glacierization. But the data, obtained within the 8 months of its operation, provided the university scientists and partners with useful information that allows to make certain conclusionsm, which will be taken into account, when a powerful meteorological station is installed in the observatory in 2022 under the project.
Presentation of Lufft WS800-UMB smart weather sensor operation Download
“The project, we are implementing together with our partners, is invaluable, as, on the one hand, it supports good tendencies of tourism development, allows to make tourist movement maximum safe, and, on the other hand, it allows to create a unique international scientific center “Observatory” – Rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University – Igor Tsependa underlined, when opening the second part of the Round Table, devoted to discussion of the results of the project infrastructural component.
Director of the Center for East-European Studies of the University of Warsaw – Jan Malicki highlighted that the partners, rehabilitating the observatory building, perform it with maximum preserving its exterior and interior premises design authenticity.
The Round Table participants also listened to information about finalization of repair works in the observatory and exchanged ideas concerning separate aspects of the project infrastructural component.

Jan Malicki awarded all the participants with certificates after the end of the Round Table.

The project managers from the University of Warsaw – Jan Tygielsky and Yurii Tkachuk presented a wall calendar for the following year with historic photos of the Observatory.
Tags: PIMReC