Partners of the Project “Adaptation of former observatory on Pip Ivan mountain to the needs of alpine rescue service training center“ (PIMReC) participated in virtual capitalization meeting of the cross-border cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020. It was devoted to the topic of safety and priority “Solving of mutual safety issues”.

Capitalization meetings are a platform for sharing knowledge about projects within cross-border cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 for their wide implementation. Today, implementers of five projects shared their experience, they reported about ensuring safety in mountainous regions with the help of projects, as well as using the results to increase their influence in mountainous regions. PIMReC project coordinator – Rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University – Igor Tsependa, Head of Project Management Department, PIMReC Manager – Lyubov Zinyuk, GOPR Project Manager – Karolina
Kiwior, Head of GOPR – Krzysztof Szczurek, representatives of DSESU in Ivano-Frankivsk region participated in the meeting.
“Adaptation of former observatory on Pip Ivan mountain to the needs of alpine rescue service training center” (PIMReC) is a complex infrastructural project, aimed at solving cross-border safety issues in the sphere of mountain tourism.
After presentation of a video about rehabilitation of the Observatory, the partners
replied to a range of questions and spoke about the challenges that they had to
overcome during implementation of the project. However, purchase of certain
equipment is one of the issues that is on the project agenda.

“We recollect the history of the observatory surveys that have been conducted by the University of Warsaw before the World War II with great excitement. At that time, the scientists analysed great range of indicators, particularly, the meteorological situation.
Certainly, modern meteorological stations are very powerful in comparison with those that were used at that time. But we came across the fact that modern devices
sometimes can not bear the loads of alpine conditions, characteristic for Pip Ivan
mountain. The wind speed sometimes reaches over 100 km per hour and icing of
equipment brings it out of operation. Unfortunately, we came across this issue and have certain experience and it creates special challenges both for scientists and alpine rescuers. However, we understand what special equipment is required, what specific characteristics shall be included so that everything worked properly for the sake of safe tourism. Forecasting and analysis of weather conditions with the help of scientific devices allow the alpine rescuers to warn the tourists about certain hazards. That’s why our experience allows us to say that we use scientific and technical achievements as much as possible”, – reported Igor Tsependa, Rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, when replying to one of the questions.

Partners of the project from Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue Bieszczady Group (GOPR) also told the participants of the capitalization meeting about cooperation with Ukrainian partners from DSESU, about the mutual trainings, conducted under PIMReC project within the territory of Poland and Ukraine, about combination of experience of rescue services. This project is aimed at improvement of professional experience of the alpine rescuers and volunteers from Ukraine and Poland that will promote development of complex alpine rescuing
system. One more important issue is raising of cross-border community awareness about safet measures and safe tourist routes. So, close cooperation of Polish and Ukrainian emergency rescue services will result in the elaboration of unified operating standards and in the longer term on both sides of the border will enable the coordination of rescue actions and preventive

Tags: PIMReC